America's leading provider of temporary structures

L2 TITAN Series: A Climate Control Solution with Cost Savings

In Tennessee, a construction company was building a new electric vehicle manufacturing plant and they needed a spacious and comfortable employee breakroom on the job site. Climate control was necessary for both spaces because temperatures in Tennessee can be pretty high. The L2 team suggested using the L2 TITAN Series due to its superior insulation and durability. The client was able to save thousands of dollars on HVAC costs and keep their employees comfortable through the hot summer. Despite on-site obstacles, the L2 install team installed two large TITAN Series structures and demonstrated their expertise and problem-solving skills.

Construction breakroom
Total square footage:
9,600 square feet
Two 50’x100’ L2 TITAN Series structures


Providing a comfortable, climate-controlled breakroom for approximately 300 employees at a new, undeveloped construction site for an electric vehicle manufacturing plant, facing high temperatures and on-site logistical challenges.


Installation of two 49’x98’ L2 TITAN Series tents, offering superior insulation and efficient climate control.


Significant reduction in HVAC costs, improved working conditions, and successful project execution despite environmental challenges.

Project Overview

In response to the need for a durable and climate-controlled environment for their new electric vehicle manufacturing plant, a prominent automotive manufacturer chose L2 Structures to provide a large-scale tent solution. The project required a spacious and comfortable breakroom for roughly 300 employees and additional climate control in the manufacturing area due to the high temperatures typical in Tennessee.

L2 Solution

To meet these needs, L2 Structures recommended the L2 TITAN Series tents, known for their robust insulation capabilities. The installation included:

  • Tents & Accessories: Two 49’x98’ TITAN series tents, totaling 9,604 square feet, equipped with four sets of double personnel doors, comprehensive lighting systems, and Hexadeck flooring for enhanced stability and comfort.
  • Climate Control: The tents’ superior insulation significantly reduced the need for extensive HVAC systems, cutting down power requirements and HVAC expenses by two-thirds, thereby providing considerable cost savings.

Installation Challenges

The site presented multiple challenges, including muddy conditions that complicated the tent layouts and the movement of heavy equipment. However, the L2 install team demonstrated exceptional flexibility and problem-solving expertise, ensuring a swift and efficient setup.

L2 Advantage

  • Experience: Decades of combined experience with a track record of handling both standard and unique installations proficiently.
  • Durability: Engineered structures that withstand local weather conditions and comply with building codes.
  • Service: Comprehensive turnkey services from concept to completion, including permitting, with accessible nationwide installers and project managers.
  • Availability: Quick deployment capabilities for projects requiring immediate solutions in large-scale setups.


The successful deployment of the L2 TITAN Series not only facilitated a substantial reduction in operational costs but also ensured that the construction team could operate in a safe and comfortable environment. This project stands as a testament to L2 Structures’ commitment to delivering high-quality, efficient, and reliable tent solutions for industrial needs.